Out of hours service
If you require urgent medical assistance, which cannot wait until your surgery re-opens, you should call 111. Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobiles. You will be assessed, given advice and directed straightaway to the local service that can help you best.
If you have a life threatening medical emergency please dial 999.
Ask your pharmacist
Pharmacists are medicines experts and are able to give free health advice and treatment about common illnesses like colds and flu or sickness and diarrhoea. You do not need an appointment and you can speak to them in confidence.
NHS 111
You should call the NHS 111 service if you need medical help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency. You will be assessed, given advice and directed straightaway to the local service that can help you best. Calls to NHS 111 are free from landlines and mobile phones.
NHS England has produced a short film to help people with a learning disability, autism or both, understand how and when to access the service, and what to expect.
Health advice/information
You can access health advice and information on the NHS Choices Website at www.nhs.uk
NHS walk in centre
Walk In Centre for minor health problems, minor injuries and emergency contraception - led by experienced, specially trained nurses available at:
The Phoenix Health Centre,
Parkfields Road,
Open Monday to Friday: 10.00am to 7.00pm, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays: 10.00am to 4.00pm.
Urgent care centre
The urgent care centre is situated above the A&E department at New Cross Hospital and is open 24/7, 365 days a year. You can self-present at the UCC reception or you may be directed to it via NHS 111 when appointments will be booked electronically for you. You may also be redirected to this service from A&E if it more appropriate to manage your needs.
Emergencies – A&E/call 999
The local Accident and Emergency Department is New Cross Hospital.
Whatever the day or time, if you suspect you may be having a heart attack, stroke, severe acute illness or serious Accident then please dial 999 and you will be advised accordingly. If you are well enough to attend A&E yourself then please do so.
Need urgent dental care during evenings or weekends?
Call 111 or search NHS111 online to find your nearest out of hours dentist.
It's quicker online but if you phone, press 1 when you hear 4 choices to access the dental team.